Elon Musk And Michio Kaku: Killer AI, Weaponized Viruses, Human Infertility Planet X? 6 Grim Threats [Opinion]

Michio Kaku Elon Musk and AI Robot

Elon Musk and Michio Kaku are both generally excited about the future, but what happens when someone asks two of the smartest men in the world what could possibly go wrong? Musk and Kaku start talking about population implosion, weaponized viruses, killer AI robots, nuclear meltdowns, and Planet X.

Both Elon Musk and Michio Kaku have concerns about potential threats to Earth and mankind in the future. Still, Elon Musk and Michio Kaku remain optimistic.

Elon Musk feels the single greatest threat to humanity is weaponized artificial intelligence. Elon Musk is also worried about population implosion.

Despite his usual brave face, Michio Kaku admits he’s got a host of concerns, including the possibility that Planet X could hit Earth. Michio Kaku also worries that in the future, high school children could create a killer designer virus or simply replicate the Spanish flu as a science fair project.

Elon Musk Is Concerned About Demographic Implosion

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