‘Shark Tank’: Why Sunday Nights Are The Show’s New Home For Season 9

'Shark Tank' star Mark Cuban

When news broke over the summer that Shark Tank was moving to Sunday nights, it was a bit of a shock to the system for many fans. The show, now entering its ninth season with a two-hour premiere episode, has been quietly airing on Friday nights for eight years. Even though reruns air regularly on CNBC throughout the week, the Friday night Shark Tank was for many a beloved habit.

So, why change? It turns out that fans can blame the revival of another beloved (or once-beloved) reality show: American Idol, at least in part. According to a new article in Adweek, ABC had to find room in the schedule for Idol’s return, so a few shows got shuffled around. The theory was that if Shark Tank went to Sunday nights, loyal viewers would simply follow.

Andy Kubitz from ABC Entertainment told Adweek that Shark Tank is just one of those programs that doesn’t have to be locked into any one particular timeslot.

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