Author Archives: admin

Houston seeks temporary housing for thousands, faces years of costly recovery

As floodwaters recede and rescuers search waterlogged neighbourhoods for more potential victims, Houston officials begin turning their attention to finding temporary housing for those in shelters and getting enough gasoline for people to fill up cars — but also to the city’s long-term recovery, which will take years and billions of dollars. CBC | World News

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Nichole Rolfe: Nursing Student Questioning Vaccines Wins Lawsuit, But Will Appeal For More Compensation

Nichole Rolfe, a former Baker College nursing student, was terminated from the private institution’s nursing program in 2013 after she questioned two different instructors on their lessons. Rolfe had questioned the lessons concerning vaccinations. Philip Ellison, Rolfe’s attorney, told The Argus-Press that Baker College “screwed up” when the administration terminated Rolfe from the nursing program. Ellison says that the compensation ...

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