POWER season 6 is coming to an end and fans still don’t know for sure who it was to shoot James ‘Ghost’ St Patrick in Truth. However, a huge clue from the penultimate episode of the series has left fans convinced it is Ramona Garrity who’s arrested for the murder. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Tag Archives: theories
Star Trek Picard star Isa Briones addresses Dahj fan theories ‘Some are right’
STAR TREK: PICARD star Isa Briones has spilled she’s heard fan theories about her mysterious character Dahj which are “on the right path” well before an episode of the epic new series has aired. How does Dahj link to a previous Star Trek series? Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Power season 6 theories: Angela Valdes reunited with Ghost as fan spots big title clue?
POWER season six comes to an end in a matter of weeks and while fans have seen Ghost dying on the floor of his nightclub Truth, one fan thinks there is still the chance for the drug dealer to be reunited with his first love Angela Valdes. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Power season 6 theories: Ramona shot by Tasha to protect Tariq? Here’s how
POWER season 6 is coming to an end but theories surrounding who shot Ghost are still coming thick and fast. However, it’s a new theory among Starz fans suggesting Tasha St Patrick shot Ramona Garrity to catch the eye. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »You season 3 theories: Will Bettelheim to return to LA to find Joe? Fans spot huge clue
YOU fans were surprised to see Will Bettelheim spark up a friendship with Joe Goldberg after being trapped in his glass cage for weeks as Joe used his identity. However, it seems the friendship is alive and well after fans spotted a huge clue that Will could return to LA to look for him. Daily Express :: TV and Radio ...
Read More »Power season 6 theories: Tasha killed Tommy in ultimate betrayal?
POWER season 6 saw the relationship between Tommy and Tasha break down even further in episode 12. But could it be because Tasha has secretly killed Tommy? Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Power season 6 theories: Tommy Egan’s death revealed as star lets slip huge spoiler?
POWER season six continues tomorrow and fans are keen to find out if Tommy Egan played a big role in the shooting of Ghost – also known as James St Patrick. However, it seems a tragic ending could be waiting for Tommy too. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Power season 6 theories: Ramona helped Ghost fake his own death – Here’s how
POWER season 6 is coming to a close following the death of James ‘Ghost’ St Patrick by a mystery gunman. But did Ramona actually help the kingpin fake his own death all along? Here are all the clues. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Power season 6 theories: Tommy Egan’s fate ‘confirmed’ as star drops big spoiler?
POWER season six is back and fans have already had two suspects in the Who Shot Ghost? case ruled out. But now fans are busy speculating over Tommy Egan’s fate after it was revealed he’d cleared out his apartment and disappeared in the latest episode. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Power season 6 theories: Ramona shot Ghost as revenge for ‘brother’ Terry Silver?
POWER season six returned to television screens earlier this month as the investigation into Who Shot Ghost? continues. Paz Valdes and Andre Coleman have both been ruled out as the shooter but now fans are certain Ramona Garrity is behind Ghost’s death. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
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