Season two featured Claire Fraser in a compromising position Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
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Vikings plot hole: Ragnar and Jarl Haraldson historical inaccuracy exposed
VIKINGS has been impressing viewers with its brutal blend of history and myth. However, some fans have noticed a few blunders along the way. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Vikings plot hole: Glaring Floki and Rollo inaccuracy exposed
VIKINGS has already delivered a thrilling first half of its final season. With the series wrapping up by the end of the year, fans have been looking back at the historical epic’s highs and lows. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »Vikings plot hole: Huge inaccuracy in Ragnar Lothbrok’s battle plan revealed
VIKINGS fans have enjoyed some of the staggering historical additions to the show over the six seasons so far, and welcomed their presence during some of the bigger moments and battles featured in the show. However it looks like some viewers have become a little enraged about a glaring plot hole regarding one of Ragnar Lothbrok’s battle plans in season ...
Read More »The Pale Horse: ‘No way’ Fans spot huge inaccuracy in Agatha Christie drama
THE PALE HORSE began on BBC One tonight as Agatha Christie fans were instantly drawn in by Sarah Phelps’ latest adaptation. Lead character Mark Easterbrook suddenly became the centre of a murder mystery plot leaving fans freaked. However, something else drew their attention as they appeared to spot an inaccuracy this evening. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »White House Farm: Huge ‘inaccuracy’ in devastating ITV drama revealed – did you spot it?
WHITE HOUSE FARM continues with its latest instalment this evening as viewers learn more about the tragic murders of the Bamber family. Despite the ITV show being a drama, the adaptation is based on real life events and some fans have spotted a few “inaccuracies” and have been debating how “authentic” some of the scenes are. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
Read More »The Crown season 3: Huge historical inaccuracy revealed in tense Queen Elizabeth II scene
THE CROWN recently returned with a third season of the royal drama and the new season has touched on a range of controversial events and tragedies. However, amid all the drama lies a major historical inaccuracy, right at a time when things are getting tense for Queen Elizabeth II and the royals. Daily Express :: TV and Radio Feed
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