TRAVELLING with a suitcase comes with its pros and cons. On the one hand, you can take more of your favourite outfits, and save room for holiday shopping. However, checked luggage can also incur a fee and even occasionally goes missing en route. Now an anonymous baggage handler has revealed some secrets to make sure your bag arrives at your ...
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Virgin Atlantic: Pilot strike action could cause chaos for Christmas flights
VIRGIN Atlantic pilots are currently in talks about whether to go ahead with a ballot for strike action which could cause chaos for travellers over the Christmas period. Pilots who are members of the Professional Pilots Union are considering the strike following a dispute with the airline over pay and a reduction in working benefits. How could the strike affect ...
Read More »Flights: Passenger branded ‘stupid’ after his strange act of affection mid-flight
PASSENGERS onboard a recent flight were left baffled after witnessing the move one man made to ensure his wife was fully comfortable during their journey. Snapped on camera by a fellow flier, people were divided over the mans actions. While some labelled him ‘stupid’, others felt it was a true act of ‘love’. What do you think? Daily Express :: ...
Read More »Flights: Stand up seats ‘uncomfortable’ says expert – will your flight introduce them?
SITTING for long periods of time with reduced leg room is just part of flying economy for many passengers, however a new seat design could change the way we fly for good. A new type of chair described as “saddle-style” is set to boost passenger density by 20 percent, meaning an increase in profit for airlines. But what does this ...
Read More »Flights: Watch terrifying moment plane breaks apart mid-flight
THE TERRIFYING moment a plane began to break apart mid-flight was captured on film by a passenger. The United Airlines plane flying from Denver to Orlando had to circle back and make an unplanned landing following the incident. Footage shows the moment passengers realised the engine was coming apart while they flew. Daily Express :: Travel Feed
Read More »Flights: Couple shock with alarmingly intimate move on plane seat in viral photo
FLIGHTS can often leave plane passengers complaining about the lack of legroom. While many people simply put up with the discomfort, others decide to take action. One couple was spotted doing a rather unpleasant act in a bid to get cosy. Daily Express :: Travel Feed
Read More »British Airways: BA cancels HALF their flights – despite pilot strike not going ahead
BRITISH AIRWAYS have cancelled hundreds of flights today despite the pilot strike no longer going ahead. The BA strike was called off nine days ago but BA had already cancelled half its flights on 27 September and has not reinstated them. Daily Express :: Travel Feed
Read More »Flights: Plane passengers horrified by woman’s disturbing action during a flight
FLIGHTS see all sorts of plane passengers board an aircraft as they settle in for the journey ahead. Some people have different ideas of what is and isn’t acceptable on a plane – and one woman was seen doing a very unusual action indeed. Daily Express :: Travel Feed
Read More »Flights: Fly to Australia in four hours and New York in one thanks to new super engine
FLIGHTS to Australia and the USA could be completed in just a few hours thanks to a new powerful plane engine. Britons could get to New York in a mere hour on an aircraft powered by the new technology. Daily Express :: Travel Feed
Read More »Six hour flights to Sydney step closer after JAL invests MILLIONS to Branson-backed firm
FLIGHTS from London to New York lasting just three and a half hours and to Sydney in six hours are a step closer after Japan Airlines made a major investment into a Richard Branson-backed plan. Daily Express :: City and Business Feed
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