VITAMIN B12 is naturally found in a wide variety of animal foods and is added to some fortified foods so adhering to certain diets runs the risk of a B12 deficiency. A vitamin B12 deficiency may not produce any visible signs initially, but, over time, you may notice a change in the colour of your eyes. Daily Express :: Life ...
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Vitamin D deficiency: The ‘flu-like’ symptom that could signal you lack the vitamin
VITAMIN D is mainly absorbed through direct exposure to sunlight during the winter months so you are at an increased risk of a deficiency. Lacking the sunshine vitamin can produce a number of visible signs, including flu-like symptoms. Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
Read More »Vitamin D deficiency: The sign if you cut yourself that could signal you lack the vitamin
VITAMIN D is essential to bone health but also supports a range of other important functions in the body so lacking the vitamin can trigger a wide range of symptoms. One unsettling sign you lack the vitamin can be seen in surface wounds. Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
Read More »Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms: How to tell if you lack B12 by looking inside your mouth
VITAMIN B12 is crucial nutrient that helps maintain healthy blood and nerve cells. When there is a lack of it circulating inside the body, abnormally large red blood cells are formed that can’t function properly. Eventually, this will lead to health complications – what are the signs you’re deficient in vitamin B12? Daily Express :: Health Feed
Read More »Vitamin D deficiency: The change in your muscles that could signal you lack the vitamin
VITAMIN D is an essential nutrient that the body absorbs through direct exposure to sunlight. Lacking the sunshine vitamin can impair vital bodily processes, including those associated with muscle function. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Read More »Vitamin D deficiency: The change in your muscles that could signal you lack the vitamin
VITAMIN D is an essential nutrient that the body absorbs through direct exposure to sunlight. Lacking the sunshine vitamin can impair vital bodily processes, including those associated with muscle function. Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
Read More »Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: The sign in your head that could signal the condition
VITAMIN D is easier to obtain in warmer months when glorious sunshine lands on our skin. The vital vitamin is needed to keep our bones, teeth and muscles in a healthy way. But what happens in the dark, dreary winter days when there isn’t enough sunlight to sustain our recommended dosage? Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
Read More »Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms: Signs on your tongue you could be lacking B12
VITAMIN B12 is a vital nutrient the body needs to be on top form. It’s needed for nerve tissue health, brain function and the production of red blood cells. Take a look in the mirror to see if you’re missing this important nutrient. Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
Read More »Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms: Signs on your tongue you could be lacking B12
VITAMIN B12 is a vital nutrient the body needs to be on top form. It’s needed for nerve tissue health, brain function and the production of red blood cells. Take a look in the mirror to see if you’re missing this important nutrient. Daily Express :: Health Feed
Read More »Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms: The sign when you go the toilet to watch out for
VITAMIN B12 is an essential nutrient that helps the body to function properly so lacking the vitamin can trigger a wave of symptoms. A B12 deficiency can show up in the digestive tract, causing a change in your toilet habits. Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
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