CABIN crew fly on a regular basis and are well-used to encountering all sorts of plane passengers. Sometimes they use code words to communicate to colleagues without the fliers taking note – a flight attendant has revealed one such term. Daily Express :: Travel Feed
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Prostate cancer: Men who do a certain activity could ‘cut risk of prostate cancer in half’
PROSTATE cancer mostly affects men over the age of 50 and risk factors include having a family history of the disease. New research has suggested that doing a certain activity could slash a man’s risk of developing the deadly disease by half. What is the activity? Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
Read More »Prostate cancer: Men who do a certain activity could ‘cut risk of prostate cancer in half’
PROSTATE cancer mostly affects men over the age of 50 and risk factors include having a family history of the disease. New research has suggested that doing a certain activity could slash a man’s risk of developing the deadly disease by half. What is the activity? Daily Express :: Health Feed
Read More »Where in UK are you least likely to get a mortgage? Warning for Britons in certain town
MORTGAGES are essential for most Britons dreaming of getting on the property ladder. Where in the UK are you least likely to get a mortgage? Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
Read More »Allowing a certain action to take place in your car will invalidate your car insurance
CAR INSURANCE policies can be invalidated with simple and common errors and could lead to devastating consequences for motorists. Daily Express :: Cars Feed
Read More »State pension to rise next year but not for those in certain countries – are you affected?
STATE PENSION claimants are set to see the amount rise next year, under the triple lock. Currently, state pensioners living full-time in certain countries across the world won’t benefit from the uprated amount. Daily Express :: Finance Feed
Read More »High blood pressure: A certain tasty treat could help lower your readings
HIGH blood pressure is a common condition not only in the UK but also worldwide. It’s estimated one in four Britons suffer from the condition and many are unaware they even have it. Eating a delicious treat, however, could help lower blood pressure readings. What is it? Daily Express :: Health Feed
Read More »High blood pressure: A certain tasty treat could help lower your readings
HIGH blood pressure is a common condition not only in the UK but also worldwide. It’s estimated one in four Britons suffer from the condition and many are unaware they even have it. Eating a delicious treat, however, could help lower blood pressure readings. What is it? Daily Express :: Life and Style Feed
Read More »Black lives, blue lives, all lives: What does it mean when we say certain lives matter?
The recent shooting of black men at the hands of police and the killings of law enforcement officers in response have reinstated complicated discussions about what it means when we say certain lives matter. CBC | World News
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