Michael Bloomberg Is Paying Instagram Influencers To Popularize His Campaign

michael bloomberg at podium

Politicians are known for using various methods of outreach to attract new voters, but Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg might just have gone one step further. Just one day after the Iowa caucuses, his campaign announced that the former New York mayor was planning on paying popular Instagram celebrities for their endorsements, according to The Daily Beast.

Though the move may be unusual, it might also be necessary. Many politicos believe that Bloomberg currently trails in the second tier of Democratic presidential candidates — hovering around fourth and fifth place nationally — and needs a boost in popularity to remain viable in the upcoming primary season.

The specific program that Bloomberg’s team is using in this latest initiative is called Tribe, which markets itself as a middleman that connects brands to mid-level social media influencers who generally have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers on social media. Each influencer would receive around $ 150 for a post supporting Bloomberg.

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