The upcoming chapter of One Piece, which is titled “A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired!,” is set to introduce the father of Kozuki Momonosuke, the late Lord Kozuki Oden. As the preview for One Piece 910 revealed, Oden wasn’t just popular in the Land of Wano, but he was also admired by the two of the most prominent personalities in the world of pirates – the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger and Whitebeard Pirates captain Edward Newgate.
“Momonosuke’s father, Kozuki Oden, was a man who mesmerized even Whitebeard. He was aggressive and daring. The man got out of the Land of Wano and saw the ends of the world along with King of the Pirates. His horrific final moments make Luffy and the other wail.”